The film’s central story follows a small group of American explorers at Dallas-based oil company Kosmos Energy. Between 2007 and 2011, with unprecedented, independent access, Big Men’s two-person crew filmed inside the oil company as Kosmos and its partners discovered and developed the first commercial oil field in Ghana’s history. Simultaneously the crew filmed in the swamps of Nigeria’s Niger Delta, following the exploits of a militant gang to reveal another side of the economy of oil: people trying to profit in any way possible, because they’ve given up on waiting for the money to trickle down. So what happens when a group of hungry people discover a massive and exquisitely rare pot of gold in one of the poorest places on earth?
Impact Partners, Screen Pass Pictures, and White Water Films Present
In Association with The British Broadcasting Corporation, The Danish Broadcasting Corporation, Robert Kravis, Donna Lomp, Plan B, Sundial Pictures, Richard Yu
Produced, Directed, and Written by
Rachel Boynton
Executive Producers
Steven Shainberg, Brad Pitt, Dede Gardner, Dan Cogan, Diana Barrett, Jim Swartz, Susan Swartz, Christina Weiss Lurie, Jeffrey Lurie and Rick Rosenthal
Cinematography by
Jonathan Furmanski
Additional Cinematography by
Nelson Hume, Kyle Kibbe, Rachel Boynton, John Foster and Deborah Eve Lewis
Sound Recording
Rachel Boynton
Original Music by
Nathan Larson
Edited by
Seth Bomse